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How can Ningbo planetary gear reducer vibrate at work?

2020-11-26 H:38:48

Gear reducer is widely used. It has a very important reputation in the field of textile products, production and processing, production and manufacturing, construction engineering and other production and manufacturing of horizontal gear reduction motor. Gear reducer is generally used for such machine equipment with transmission device and deceleration. When we all use gear reducers in the operation process, what are the reasons and solutions for the automatic reduction of the gears in the vibration condition of this type of transmission system? The main reasons for the vibration of gear reducer are as follows:

Reducer is fixed on what, general power very large motor reducer should be fixed on the concrete, or embedded in carbon steel plate, etc., concrete has high-quality rebound effect, small power can be installed on the steel frame fixed support, should be noted its bending strain. 2. the machining accuracy of the reducer is not enough, and the accuracy of the transmission gear of the transmission system is not enough, which leads to the noise and destruction caused by the uneven load under the meshing and Meshing Conditions of the transmission gear, resulting in installation error, and the noise caused by the uneven load during gear engagement, which cannot be changed.

3. it is also possible that the vibration on the machine and equipment is transmitted to the reducer according to the coupling, so as to reduce the noise caused by vibration of Zhidao speed machine.

4. the load is too much, which exceeds the basic parameters of the scheme design of the reducer. 5. if the reducer and machine equipment are connected according to coupling, check how the gear shaft of reducer and machine equipment are aligned, which may not be caused by the noise caused by centering. Solution of gear reducer: at this time, it is necessary to send it to professional maintenance and manufacturing factory for maintenance. Generally, it is repair welding or machining and repair after brush plating, but both of them have some defects. The gear reducer has been used for a long time, which is convenient to reduce the cause of such a situation. Everyone must do a good job of timely maintenance, and try to avoid unnecessary harm to the right of manufacture. When we use gear reducer in the operation process, it is important for the reason of vibration of gear reducer, that is, above. We all must solve the problem according to the above solution. The manufacturers sell gear reducer, gearbox motor, large planet home appliances, all kinds of reducer types and specifications. Welcome to call and inquire anytime and anywhere.

