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Gear expert Professor Zhang Zhan came to our company for technical guidance

2014-04-17 H:50:21

Gear expert Professor Zhang Zhan came to our company for technical guidance


On April 16, 2014, Professor Zhang Zhan, a famous gear expert, came to our company for technical guidance.

Zhang Zhan, born in June 1938 in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, is a professor level senior engineer, doctoral supervisor and leader of gear science. Director of transmission Professional Committee of Shanghai Society of mechanical engineering, director of Shanghai Modern Design Law Research Association. Over the past 40 years, he has made outstanding contributions and achievements in gear drive, planetary drive and worm drive, and has become one of the well-known figures in China's gear industry. More than 40 monographs and translations have been compiled, and more than 160 papers have been written.

At the meeting, Professor Zhang Zhan gave technical guidance on the current development status of gear reducers in China, the development trend of gear reducers and the structural principle of planetary transmission, which benefited the production personnel and technical personnel participating in the meeting.

Finally, Professor Zhang Zhan also had a heated discussion with the production personnel on the problems encountered in the actual production process, and put forward many valuable suggestions. 



Professor Zhang Zhan gives technical guidance to our employees
