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Leaders of science and Technology Bureau of Zhenhai bureau come to our company for guidance

2014-04-29 H:25:08

Leaders of science and Technology Bureau of Zhenhai bureau come to our company for guidance

On the afternoon of April 28, 2014, director Li Dejun of science and Technology Bureau of Zhenhai District led the relevant personnel of science and Technology Bureau to our company to have a discussion and exchange on science and technology work with researcher Zhou Chongguang and other scientific and technological workers of our company.

The leaders of the district science and Technology Bureau affirmed our long-term good cooperation with Harbin Institute of technology, Academy of Military Sciences and other colleges and universities, and achieved many domestic leading scientific and technological achievements. They vividly compared our company as the missile speedboat force in Zhenhai District in terms of scientific and technological innovation, hoping to drive the expansion of the industrial scale on this solid scientific and technological platform.

