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"Wind and rain, create a better future together"

2020-01-20 H:30:01

"Wind and rain together to create a better future"

                                                                                                      ------Meeting of Zhenhai gearbox in 2020

On January 19, 2020, the company successfully held the 2020 annual meeting.

For the company, 2019 is a year of peace and stability, healthy development and future development: under the leadership of general manager Huang and with the efforts of all employees, the output value in 2019 will reach the standard, and the output and output value will reach a new record.

At the meeting, the person in charge of finance made a summary report on various economic indicators of the company in 2019 to clarify the sales situation of each series of products. Then, the person in charge of each department made a year-end summary of their respective departments in 2019, and also made a corresponding report on the department plan in 2020. Finally, Mr. Huang summarized everyone's speech, reviewed the major events in 2019, and gave some suggestions The related problems of the whole year are analyzed. In the past 19 years, the company has won many honors, increased technical investment, strengthened exchanges with various units and colleges, and expanded the influence of the enterprise. In the past 19 years, the company's overall operation has been stable, its personnel has been stable, and its output value and output have set a historical record, which is hard won.

Looking forward to 2020, this paper analyzes the economic situation: firstly, it formulates the company's development rules, optimizes the product structure, develops towards exquisite and reliable scale; requires management innovation: establishes the core team, seeks breakthrough; is a good person, good product, good enterprise, establishes the economic indicators and the company's development strategy and guidelines in 2020. To achieve the target output value, good service as the main strategic goal, to reduce costs, good products as an important strategy, to create a perfect combination of humanization and institutionalization, work together in the same boat, and achieve better results.

“风雨兼程 共创美好”--镇海减变速机2020年会记

Then the second project of the meeting was held: the selection of the company's Teacher Award and excellent employee award in 2019. By the vote of all employees, Zhou Baokun, manager of the production department, and Liu Shaohua, engineering technology center, won the teacher award; Han Qi and Zheng Chunyan won the excellent employee Award. The general manager presented them with honorary certificates, trophies and bonuses as encouragement. I hope that all employees will follow their example and work together to advance hand in hand.

“风雨兼程 共创美好”--镇海减变速机2020年会记 “风雨兼程 共创美好”--镇海减变速机2020年会记

In the laughter and singing for the motherland, the 2020 annual meeting will end in a peaceful and lively party. After the meeting, the company arranged a rich new year's Eve dinner, and everyone got together happily. So far, 2019 has come to a complete end.

In 2019, we will "develop steadily and refresh the history". In 2020, we will carry on the past and open up new horizons!
