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“"Seize the opportunity, operate meticulously, seize the day"”--Annual meeting of Zhenhai gearbox in 2019

2019-01-29 H:50:47

“Seize the opportunity, operate meticulously and seize the day”

                                                                                                                               ------Annual meeting of Zhenhai gearbox in 2019

On January 26th, 2019, annual meeting of Zhenhai transmission reduction was successfully held.

There are three agendas for the conference. First, Mr. Huang Jiping, general manager, summarized the economic situation of the company in 2018, clarified the sales of various series of products, reviewed the major events in 2018 and pointed out the relevant problems in the whole year. In 2018, the company has achieved a record of stable overall operation, stable personnel and production value, and the company has won various extremely heavy honors, which is hard to come. 2018 is a year of stable and slow development for the company.

Review 2018 and look forward to 2019. At the meeting, the company's development plan for 2019, production requirements for large, medium and small products, and the determination of economic indicators in 19 years were formulated. The goal of becoming a small and high-tech innovation enterprise with high precision and high performance was confirmed. The guideline of "seize opportunities, increase output value, carefully operate, reduce costs, only strive for the night and upgrade products" was put forward, and the direction of relevant development strategies was determined .

“把握机遇 精心操作 只争朝夕”--镇海减变速机2019年会记

“把握机遇 精心操作 只争朝夕”--镇海减变速机2019年会记

The second agenda of the meeting was selected as "teacher Road award" and "excellent employee" of the company in 2018, Zhou Baokun and zhaoshuilin won the teacher Road award, Hanqi and huangliuying won the excellent employee award. The general manager gives them certificates of honor, trophies and bonuses in order to encourage them. I also hope that all employees will take this as an example, love their jobs and work hard to create a better company prospect.

“把握机遇 精心操作 只争朝夕”--镇海减变速机2019年会记

In the third part of the meeting, all the staff organized and participated in the annual gathering of the reduction and transmission. They showed their talents and enthusiasm, and brought a new and interesting party for the company. During the meeting, they also drew various awards. After the meeting, the company arranged a rich new year's Eve dinner. Everyone gathered together, feeling high, grateful for 2018 and looking forward to 2019.

The successful holding of the annual meeting has guiding and revenue generating significance for the further development of the company. Looking back on 2018, we will "develop steadily, refresh the output value", and looking forward to 2019, we will work together to achieve better results!
