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“17 move forward, take care of the overall situation, be brave to take on challenges 17”

2017-01-17 H:50:33

“17 move forward, take care of the overall situation, be brave to take on challenges 17”

Bid farewell to unforgettable 2016 and usher in a new 2017. On January 17, 2017, the company successfully held the 2016 summary 2017 plan meeting.

This year-end meeting is divided into three parts. First of all, Mr. Huang Jiping, the general manager, made the annual summary report of the company. This paper analyzes the company's economic situation in 2016, defines the sales situation of each series of products, reviews the major events in 2016, and points out the relevant problems in the whole year.

Looking forward to 2017, we analyzed the economic situation, planned the company's development goals, determined the economic goals for 2017, formulated the development strategic direction, and refined the responsibilities of each department. In the face of 2017, we should "move forward, take the overall situation into consideration, have the courage to take responsibility and challenge 17."

“17前行 顾全大局 勇于担当 挑战17”

After that, the 2016 company's Teacher Award and outstanding employee award were selected. By the vote of all employees, Zhou Baokun, manager of the production department, and he Lidong, engineering technology center, won the teacher award; Huang Houyou and Han maohai of the production department won the outstanding employee award. The general manager presented them with certificates of honor and trophies. To encourage.

“17前行 顾全大局 勇于担当 挑战17”

The holding of this meeting is of guiding significance to the development of the company. Looking back on 2016, we make concerted efforts, work hard, and gain together; looking forward to 2017, we have the same goal, full of confidence, and jointly look forward to a more brilliant future for the company. So the year-end meeting ended successfully.
