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"2016 China Transmission Technology Forum" held in Shanghai

2016-11-10 H:20:00

“2016 China Transmission Technology Forum held in Shanghai

From November 9 to 11, "2016 China Transmission Technology Forum" was held in Shanghai. The forum was organized by China General Machinery Industry Association (CMIA), gearbox


Sponsored by the branch and undertaken by the technical committee of the reducer branch.

The purpose of this forum is to promote the technological innovation and progress of China's reducer industry, discuss the common technology of reducer design, manufacturing and testing experiment, and the frequent problems in operation and their solutions. In order to strengthen technical learning and exchange, Liu Shaohua, director of engineering technology center of our company, and he Lidong, engineer, attended the meeting.

On November 10, technical experts from different fields of transmission at home and abroad made a number of thematic reports. Theoretical research combined with practical application, brilliant. The participants discussed with each other in depth, and the atmosphere was warm.

On November 11, the participants visited the 8th China (Shanghai) International Fluid Machinery Exhibition 2016 to learn about the supporting equipment of the reducer. Technical personnel of our company had technical exchanges with some customers of our company participating in the exhibition.

