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Feeling the charm of nature and experiencing wonderful life

2020-11-28 H:39:07

Feeling the charm of nature and experiencing wonderful life

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From May 17 to 20, 2019, the labor union of the company organized the employees and some of their families to visit Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, to enjoy the natural and cultural landscape of Zhangjiajie. Although the four-day tour was tired, the beautiful scenery, green mountains, clear water and hazy fog of Zhangjiajie left a good impression on everyone, which made people forget to return.

Zhangjiajie is a place where you don't feel tired no matter how far you go. The first stop is Wulingyuan scenic spot, which starts a trip to Zhangjiajie. Wulingyuan -- China's first National Forest Park, world natural heritage and World Geopark. The natural scenery is marvelous by its peak, beautiful by its valley and beautiful by its forest. Known as "three thousand Qifeng, eight hundred Xiushui" reputation, modeling skillfully, the charm of the wonderful, the beauty of artistic conception, can be called nature's "big hand.". Wulingyuan is also the location of American movie "Avatar" and Chinese classic "a dream of Red Mansions" and "journey to the west". Wulingyuan is like a fairyland, better than a fairyland!

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Walk into the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage and take the Bailong TIANTI, which is famous as "the world's highest, largest carrying capacity and fastest outdoor sightseeing elevator" Once I saw it at the foot of the mountain, I was shocked by it. The Bailong ladder is very high and inlaid in a mountain. Looking up at it, I feel bright and spectacular. It seems to have integrated with the mountain. The 66 second running time also gives you a panoramic view of Wulingyuan. The combination of natural landscape and man-made miracle is the result of the hard work behind it. When you get to the top of the mountain and walk out of the ladder, a beautiful picture of the mountain unfolds slowly. The uncanny workmanship of nature has created the magnificent and fantastic peak forest landform here. Heaven and earth column, enchantment platform, the world's first bridge and other aerial wonders will also make you look at nature with new eyes, sigh about the greatness of nature, broaden our horizons and sublimate our hearts.

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Baofeng lake, a rare Canyon and Pinghu Lake, is surrounded by green hills, a wave of clear water and hazy fog. Cruise slowly over the lake to feel the masterpieces of the surrounding mountains and forests, and listen to the warm folk songs of Tujia girls.

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Zhangjiajie at night presents us with a beautiful theme cultural performance -- charming Xiangxi. It is the epitome of Western Hunan culture and the soul of Tujia customs. Miao drum dance, Maogusi dance, masang Shuer's lamp stand, daughter's party, weeping wedding and other special performances create a high taste of Xiangxi Ethnic Culture feast. Let's go on and on. Experience different national cultures and absorb characteristic humanistic atmosphere.

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"Zhangjiajie weather, like the face of a child." The trip to Tianmen Mountain gives us a deep experience. Taking half an hour environmental protection vehicle from Tianmen Mountain mountain mountain mountain mountain road to the top of the mountain, Panshan road is 10.77 km long, and the altitude has risen sharply from 200m to 1300 meters. The two sides of the road are extremely steep with thousands of Ren, and the valley is deep, with a total of 99 bends. The 180 degree sharp bend is eliminated. It is like a jade belt around, stacked in layers, and directly rushing to the sky, which is shocking. Thinking of the situation of the previous people repairing the Panshan Road, we admire it. We will be diligent and hardworking like them, and work hard and practical, and will certainly have a part of our own achievements.

When I get off, I see the fog in Tianmen cave haunting. The clouds and clouds are pouring out and flowing from the cave, just like a fantasy, like the infinite mystery of heaven and earth. Soon it rained, and the Tianmen cave was completely covered by fog. The magnificent sight was reflected in our mind. The 999 steps of Tianmen Mountain are steep and dangerous, and they are able to go straight to Tianmen cave, and shout for our brave employees and family members. They dare to challenge, dare not to fear danger and go forward bravely. No matter how windy and heavy the Tianmen Mountain is, we still move to the commanding point, through the winding mountain path, through the thrilling glass trestle, through the wind and rain, we can see the rainbow. When we sat on the world's first high mountain passenger ropeway, the fog spread, and the sun lit the panorama of Tianmen Mountain. The Tianmen cave, the steep Tianmen Mountain and the winding mountain road leave an indelible shock in our mind.

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Leaving Tianmen Mountain, we drove to Phoenix, one of the ten ancient cities in China. When you see the Phoenix night scene, the tiredness of the journey is gone. The beautiful night view, bright lights, ancient buildings and lively voices of people make us intoxicated. The ancient city of Phoenix in the morning faded away from the Chinese clothes at night, showing the ancient flavor and simple and pure side. Walking along Tuojiang River, green mountains and rivers, the ancient walls still stand. The stiletto buildings along the river, the characteristic folk shops, uneven stone road, and the air without pollution are all spreading the long history and precipitation classics of the ancient city. We are here to understand the treasures left by history, experience the local unique national customs, and interpret the simple town in the border city. Phoenix, an unforgettable ancient city.

                                                               感悟自然魅力 体验精彩人生

感悟自然魅力 体验精彩人生


Feeling the charm of nature and experiencing wonderful life

Zhangjiajie is a pure place, is a place that people nostalgic back and forth, here we sigh the magic and greatness of nature, here we left unforgettable memories. What we can't take away is memories. The beauty of Zhangjiajie is a lingering natural beauty in our minds. The tourism organized by the trade union once again made us feel the charm of nature and experience a wonderful life. Further enhance the team spirit, improve the cohesion and centripetal force of the company, in the future, we have the courage to challenge, strive to move forward, precipitation heart, down-to-earth work, will also be able to create brilliant achievements of the company!

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