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Dream set sail - Vietnam Tour

2020-11-28 H:32:05

Dream sail, there must be a long voyage

                                                                                                                                                              ——A visit to Nha Trang, Vietnam in 2018

From June 16 to 21, 2018, the trade union of the company organized the employees and some of their family members to fly out of the country for six days.

Nha Trang, Vietnam has the reputation of "little Maldives". Located in the easternmost part of the coastline of southern Vietnam, Nha Trang is an ideal seaside resort for tourists because of its 6 km long coastline, smooth white sand, clear water, various kinds of coral and colorful fish.

In the early morning, gently open the window, the sky is blue like a pool of sea water, a few floating white clouds, dotted in the sky, the sea water is like a sparkling sapphire, blue, blue, here leisure and quiet, mellow coffee with gentle sea breeze, open our new journey of NHA Zhuang.


Yazhuang first station, Yang Bay forest nature reserve. It has a 300 year old tree, 25 meters high, wonderful cockfighting performance, pig race, exciting crocodile fishing experience and ostrich riding. This new animal project brings us unprecedented experience. Yazhuang, let's show ourselves and challenge ourselves!


Zhanpo Pagoda in Yazhuang is said to have eight pagodas from the 7th to 12th century. Now there are only four pagodas left. The largest one is dedicated to zhanpo goddess. The failure of applying for the world heritage does not hinder believers from praying for God's protection. The beautiful scenery of wuzhiyan, standing on the top of the rock like a palm looking at the boundless sea, each scenic spot is telling a story and culture, lamenting the vastness of the sea, at the same time, it can also purify our hearts, absorb all rivers, and be tolerant!

梦想扬帆-越南之旅 梦想扬帆-越南之旅


  梦想扬帆-越南之旅    梦想扬帆-越南之旅

For the new day's journey, we take the bus to the wharf and then transfer to the speedboat to go out to sea. Speed boats fluctuate up and down with the waves, the sea hit our face from time to time, just like the journey of life, there are peaks and valleys, joy and difficulties. As long as you insist, as long as you are optimistic, ride the wind and waves like a speedboat! We can get to our destination. The golden sea, the flying seagulls and the unique performance make us broaden our horizons and relax. Some colleagues participated in the deep-sea diving movement, saw the gorgeous underwater world, colorful marine life, they dare to challenge, dare to break through, applaud for them.



The trip to bud village is really shocking! We relax our hearts and enjoy the beach, and we also purify our thoughts and feel life. We should dare to challenge, pursue, innovate actively, break through ourselves, let go of your dreams and create the future of the company!


