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Difference between DC motor and precision planetary gear reducer

2020-11-26 H:59:05

DC motor is a kind of rotating motor which can convert AC output power into mechanical kinetic energy or mechanical kinetic energy into AC output power. It is a kind of motor which can convert AC output power and mechanical kinetic energy.

DC motor refers to the application of DC regulated power supply motor (such as batteries, rechargeable batteries, etc.); three phase gear motor refers to the application of AC motor (such as household appliances, communication alternator, etc.).

2. Main purpose: the two structures are different. They have commutators (two relative half copper rings). AC motors have no commutators. The former one is generally used for bottom voltage power supply circuit. DC motors are used in electric vehicles, such as computer cooling fans, tape recorders, etc.

3. Identification method: no matter whether there is a commutator or not, all of them use switching power supply. DC regulated power supply with commutator is DC motor. AC motor is the basic principle of coil in electromagnetic field. The former is to use commutator to automatically change the current direction of coil, so that the coil can bear force in continuous rotation direction. AC motor is composed of motor rotor, motor stator is step reducer, motor rotor is coil, motor rotor uses the same switching power supply, so it is difficult to use the same switching power supply The current direction of the motor rotor is always the same, that is, the current direction of the coil is changed, and the current direction of the electromagnetic coil is also changed. According to the right hand standard, the coil of NMRV reducer will suffer the harm of magnetism again, and the coil can be in this position. Once again, the DC motor has excellent starting characteristics and speed changing characteristics, which is used in the speed changing characteristics of large and medium-sized machinery and equipment such as rolling mill and DC motor In the driver, AC motor can not guarantee this, the former can be widely used.

