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What is the disassembly process of Ningbo planetary gear reducer?

2020-11-26 H:29:50

1. Remove the column pin of high speed shaft coupling of the product of the cylinder gear reducer manufacturer, eliminate the synchronous gear coupling of low-speed gear shaft, and move the two coupling halves away from both sides.

2. When removing the protective cover of each part, the motor and brake system, it is important to note that the identification shall be made when removing the line, and the classification of gear reducer shall be used as the reference for reassembly.

3. Remove the motor anchor bolts and lift the motor. When the domestic gear reducer manufacturer disassembles the motor anchor bolt, record the thickness and position of the original ground seat gasket as the basis for finding the timing of diesel engine engine.

4. The gear reducer manufacturer unlocks the reducer check device and puts it in a special position to avoid bumps and trips.

5. Mark the relative position of the upper and lower joint surfaces of the reducer, remove the foundation screws on the upper and lower cover joint surfaces of the reducer, remove the damaged foundation screws and remove the spring plates. Check whether the foundation screw of the straight axle gear reducer has any wood defects and cracks, and screw the screw pad onto the screw extruder for storage.

6. Before the gear reducer manufacturer lifts the cover, it is necessary to check whether there are any missing screws and other abnormal phenomena (jack up the cover with butt fastener, lift it to the prepared protective layer cushion block, and the operation process of lifting equipment shall be confirmed to be on duty.

7. Mark the end cover of each roller bearing with installation mark, remove the bearing end cap of roller bearing and tighten the foundation screw, take off the bearing end cover, accurately measure the thickness and total number of asbestos gasket of the end cover of roller bearing with an outer micrometer, and make the original record of the test experiment.

