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The company was elected as the seventh director enterprise of China Communications Association gearbox branch

2016-04-25 H:30:31

The company was elected as the seventh director enterprise of China Communications Association gearbox branch

"The first meeting of the seventh session" and "2016 Forum on development of reduction and transmission industry" of reduction and transmission branch of China General Machinery Industry Association (CMIA) were solemnly held in Changzhou from April 23 to 25, 2016. More than 140 representatives from the industry attended the meeting.

Conference topic 1: the first meeting of the 7th CCTA gearbox branch

All members listened to the work report of "lay a solid foundation, open up and innovate, create a new situation for the development of reduction and transmission industry", elected a new board of directors composed of 23 enterprises, and our company was elected as the seventh board of directors by the members of the meeting. The conference also deliberated and adopted the "Regulations on the organization of work", "Regulations on the organization of technical committees", "measures for the payment of membership dues and the administration of funds" and "application procedures for membership".


Speech by Secretary General Li Duoying and guests on the rostrum

Conference topic 2: 2016 transmission industry development forum

1. Huang Li, deputy director general of the national energy administration, made an important report on "energy situation and energy equipment development"; 2. Wang Tianmiao, director of Beihang intelligent technology and robotics Engineering Research Center, made a report on "robot application development prospect and future demand"; 3. Chen Zhongju, head office of Lulian precision in Taiwan, made an introduction on "Lulian gear grinder precision international standard"; 4 Zhao Zhenhua, President of graduate school, made a report on "current economic situation and tasks"; 5. Dr. Zhao Xueyong, deputy general manager of Nangao Gear Co., Ltd., made a report on "industry 4.0 and future development of gearbox industry"; 6. Mr. Li peishun, deputy general manager of CRRC Qishu locomotive Co., Ltd., made a report on "market demand and future development trend of rail transit for transmission machinery such as reducer"; 7. Mr. Zhang Yubao, deputy general manager of China Communications Association The president and secretary general made a report on the development of general machinery manufacturing industry under the new normal.

This conference is known as the largest and the highest level industry event of the transmission and reduction branch in more than 20 years, and the conference has been a complete success. It will play a positive role in promoting the sustainable development of the transmission industry and the self construction of the transmission branch.
