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"The second meeting of the seventh board of directors of CCTA gearbox branch" held in Zibo

2017-06-27 H:25:02

"The second meeting of the seventh board of directors of CCTA gearbox branch" held in Zibo

"The second meeting of the Seventh Council of China Tongxie gearbox branch" was held in Zibo on June 26-27, 2017.


The meeting invited oriole, President of China General Machinery Industry Association (China Communications Association), executive vice president and Secretary General zhangyubao to attend the meeting. 35 directors and representatives from the industry attended the meeting.

The meeting deliberated and unanimously approved the new members of the technical committee of the branch of the reduction gearbox; deliberated and unanimously approved the application for 8 enterprises to join the meeting; deliberated and unanimously passed the report of the seventh session of the second board of the China Tongxi transmission branch.

The representatives discussed the current situation and tasks of the reduction gearbox industry. All the members made positive statements. We reached a consensus to strengthen the industry self-discipline, adhere to quality, strictly control the process, and make the best products.

“中通协减变速机分会七届二次理事会会议”在淄博召开   “中通协减变速机分会七届二次理事会会议”在淄博召开

The president of the Oriole of China Tong association made an important speech. We hope that we will put credit first, strengthen the emotional exchange of the industry and coordinate the price.

The meeting completed the contents of the established tasks and achieved a successful result.
