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Speed up scientific and technological innovation and strengthen property rights protection

2020-11-28 H:58:19

Small, medium and micro enterprises are facing difficulties in transformation and upgrading, rising capital and labor costs, overcapacity of products, and vicious price competition, which will be a trend in recent years or for a long time, and will inevitably bring a life and death test to the real enterprises. Through scientific and technological innovation, the company takes the road of product differentiation. On the basis of the investment of 880000 yuan in scientific research and development in 14 years, the company further carries out project docking with domestic research institutes and colleges, makes breakthroughs in materials, new products, new processes and other industrial products, and achieves the synchronous growth of the company's technological innovation and benefits. But at the same time, it also brings the urgency of the protection of scientific research achievements. It is imperative for companies to strengthen intellectual property protection through patent, intellectual property protection association and legal affairs. The picture shows some patents and customized products of the company.


