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How does the encoder measure the specific address of the precision planetary gear reducer?

2020-11-26 H:19:06

How does the elevator often used in daily life send everyone to a special house? How does the machining center ensure the precision of fiber laser cutting raw materials? How does the servo motor ensure the accuracy of rotation position? This is due to a kind of weapon equipment coder, but what is the coder?

How does encoder measure motor parts accurately? Now let's talk about the encoder of helical gear reducer manufacturer. Encoder is a kind of industrial equipment which can transform data signal or data information compiler into data signal for communication, transmission and storage. Encoder transforms angular velocity or linear offset into data signal of electronic devices. The former is called code disk, and the latter is called code ruler. The raw materials of encoder disc include laminated glass, metal composite and plastic. Laminated glass encoder is a ruler which is too thin on laminated glass. It has good heat resistance and high precision. The metal material encoder is opened immediately to block the ruler, which is not easy to break. However, because of the thickness of metal composite materials, the accuracy will be limited, and its heat resistance must be one order of magnitude worse than that of laminated glass. Reducer gear shaft plastic encoder is cost-effective and low-cost, but it has good precision and heat resistance.

Generally speaking, we all know that the drive reducer encoder can be divided into two types according to the structure: increasing rate type and no doubt type. They also convert other data signals, such as the light signal is not on, into the data signals of electronic devices that can be analyzed and controlled. The elevators and machining centers, which are widely used in people's daily life, are precisely based on the fine adjustment of the motor, the feedback of the data signal of the electronic devices, the closed-loop control system software, the encoder cooperating with each other, and the driver naturally completes the fine control.

