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If Ningbo planetary gear reducer smoke, what are the solutions?

2020-11-26 H:01:17

Gear motor is a kind of service robot and micro motor in electronic products, which is widely used in industrial gear reducer in smart home, has low speed, large rotation distance, and integrates brushless DC motor and reducer.

The basic concept of gear reduction motor is based on the driving force of small brushless DC motor, which reduces the speed ratio output according to the transmission gear reducer. If the speed ratio is slow, the torque will be greatly improved When the speed ratio of the drive shaft of the micro motor is output to the reducer, the transmission gear in the reducer will start to rotate rapidly to promote the transmission gear. The large gear is larger than the transmission gear, so the speed ratio will be slower and slower. In the future, the speed ratio of the output shaft of the G series gear reducer will be eased. According to this basic concept, gear motor can improve the gear stage of many gear reducers to reduce the output.

Gear reduction motor has three important functions: 1. Reduce the speed ratio; 2. Improve the torque; 3. Change the direction of transmission system software. In the application of gear reducer, if there are common problems, they must be solved immediately. The more extensive ones are smoke and excessive brush flame. Generally, the smoke of RF gear reducer is caused by long-term load, common fault of load short circuit or common fault of rotor synchronous motor winding resistance explosion-proof reducer short circuit. We can restore the normal load operation can solve. The brush flame of gear reducer motor is too large, which is mainly caused by poor contact between brush and rotor or uneven brush pressure specification. The immediate method is to dismantle the new brush, such as reducing the load caused by load.

Gear motor classification: cogged helical gear motor, gear drive, F series helical gear parallel shaft reducer, rack and pinion motor, AC motor, servo motor, hollow cup motor, motor, high power motor, low output motor, etc.

