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What are the applications of planetary gear reducer manufacturers in different industries?

2020-11-26 H:46:23

Gear motor is the component of gear reducer and motor (motor). Generally speaking, this kind of structure can also be called gearbox motor or reducer motor. Generally speaking, the reducer manufacturer with professional ability will do a good job in integration and supply the complete set after assembly. Gear reduction motor is widely used, which is an indispensable driving force motor for vertical automatic control mechanical equipment of gear reducer, especially in the fields of intelligent system kitchen, medical machinery, industrial equipment, security equipment, office supplies, service robot, aircraft model, etc.

1. The key to the design of intelligent system home kitchen gear reducer motor is home Juicer motor, juicer motor, automatic coffee machine motor, intelligent sweeper motor, etc. the spiral gear reducer is produced and processed according to the professional ability standard, the standard production and processing, and the low-noise professionalism makes consumers not have to bear the noise doubts when using.

2. The key to the design of gear motor for medical machinery is the new product development of new medical machinery projects such as driving navigation bar electric wheelchair motor, ablation surgery abdominal surgery service robot motor, intelligent massage chair motor, medical robot motor, etc. the gear motor has experienced precise machine equipment production and processing to ensure the accuracy level. All these constitute the gear drive The gear reduction motor of the whole system is equipped with various types of motors, creating the mechatronics, which fully ensures the quality of the product.

3. The key design of gear motor for industrial equipment includes k67 gear reducer, hydraulic lifting platform motor, knife grinder motor, blower motor, barbecue box motor, etc. The gear reducer adopts the concept of integrated and modular design, and has a wide range of adaptability. There are a lot of motor components, installation positions and structure implementation opinions for the commodity series products. Any rotation speed and a variety of structure forms can be selected according to the actual needs.

